Performance session
Andrew had me going through my set, firstly making sure my mic positioning was correct. As I’m suffering from a bit of back trouble (the benefits of getting on a bit….!) I’ve had to modify my footing, so I needed a bit of instruction before this came right.
I don’t know why, but I’m having a touch of block somewhere during the opening song. I don’t know if this is just nerves, or lack of concentration or something, but it’s always somewhere during Chasing it Down that I am forgetting a word or a phrase somewhere, and it’s not that I don’t know the song, far from it… Anyway, second time around it came out good.
Then we started to work out Andrew’s parts fully. Watching the Rain is sounding very nice, and Chasing it Down is coming together too. Anyway, a little work is still needed on (Don’t Hurry) Slow Down, but the other two are coming together nicely. As I know Andrew’s style is a little different to mine, I’m asking him to fill in a second part where it feels comfortable. I’ve also given him some recordings of the live songs that I did over last weekend, these were just miked-up practices, so he gets an idea of what I’m going to play and can get familiar with them.
Last practice run through in two weeks time, and then we’re performing it…