Visit to 360

Following a telephone conversation and several emails setting this up at the beginning of last week, I had a great meeting today with the guys from 360 Artist Development, based in Leeds. Matthew and Andrew seem great guys, easy to talk to, and had a lot to offer in terms of developing my songs as a ‘product’, as well as developing me as a recording artist.

Today we’ve discussed their one-year programme, which they’re offering to tailor to my needs; plus what they can do for my songs, and what my commitments will need to be in terms of my time, effort, and of course, money! I’m encouraged about many aspects of this: that they are offering to help me develop as an artist; that they can help me develop my own recording skills and setup; and that they can help me improve my mixing technique.

In the hour that we had, they had time to listen to a couple of full songs from the demo that I sent them, namely Chasing It Down and Watching The Rain, and they’ve made some encouraging suggestions as to what can be done in terms of recording the instrumentation and the production on these. I have some T&C’s to read, accept and sign, and then it all begins! Guess I’d better tell Claire, my wife, first…