Songwriting update

Songwriter's Pad for iPhoneRecently I’ve been concentrating on getting some more songs ready for the studio. I tend to use an iPad/iPhone app at the moment called Songwriter’s Padwhich is a very handy tool to be able to write songs on the move, and wherever/whenever the mood takes me.

I already had a system for writing, and I’ve had to modify (a little) what I’m doing to make this app work for me. But, it really does mean that I can carry my ideas around with me. Now, if I have an idea on guitar, I can also record it and attach it (in fact, several recordings) to the song, which really is an advantage. Then, I can upload songs to the cloud, and be able to access them on all of my connected devices.

It has certainly enabled me to become a more efficient songwriter, and I can switch sections of a song with ease as it develops. It has handy hint tools which can get you around writer’s block, if you need them. The one I find very useful particularly is the rhyme option, which can offer you a few alternative rhyming words if you’re stuck on one particular line of a song.

There is a Mac/Windows version also, but as far as I know, there isn’t an Android version yet.