Electric Cabaret
Despite the injury, the physiotherapy is helping enough for me to continue to do short sets like the 30 minute one at Electric Cabaret at the Old School House, Barnsley, an extension of ‘Cabaret Doonican’, run by the enigmatic Scott Doonican of the Bar-Steward Sons of Val Doonican. Usually, the night is split to allow four acts to perform a half hour set each, and a donations box provided fro the audience to contribute towards their appreciation of the acts performing, which is divided up at the end.
All I can say is, I’m pleased the set wasn’t any longer. By the end of the last song, my upper arm was extremely painful and stiffening up. But enough moaning… I’m happy I can still play at all!
Very grateful to those who turned up to support me, including my wife Claire, who took some video (coming soon), and Dave Wilde of Wilde Sammon, and grateful too for all the help and encouragement with my set, including Scott, and Marcus, who really does a great job behind the mixing desk, making everyone sound as good as can be, plus a shout out to Amanda (Scott’s other half) for divvying-up the proceeds at the end.
Hope to do another one soon!