Vocals complete (I think)…
Audacity is finally completed. Had a great session over at Matthew’s last Friday afternoon, and the final double-tracked vocals slotted into place after our usual warm-up beforehand.
We had a bit of time to review a couple of the other songs too, in particular I wanted to add more seriousness and weight to the arrangement on Daytime. I’m concerned that because I’d chopped it and speeded it up slightly (to make it shorter, on Matthew’s advice, and more commercial) that it’s lost it’s impact. My original ‘demo’ version, recorded at Rick’s (Rooster’s) used a droning synth bass (Rick’s Yamaha TX81Z), that I’d like to try and recapture somehow. I have a TX81Z, so I’ve asked Matthew to send me a mix track without acoustic bass to try out the TX with the new arrangement.
Reviewing all the mixed material at home, I’m still wanting to tweak the backing vocals on Nonsense Song. Again I’ve asked Matthew to send over a mix with an isolated track of the backing vocal so I can try some ideas out over here.